Practical Tips for Incorporating Coloring into Daily Life

Practical Tips for Incorporating Colouring into Daily Life

22 minutes, 5 seconds Read


Have you ever noticed how, amidst the endless pings of notifications and the whirlwind of our daily routines, there’s a simple joy in picking up a crayon and letting your creativity flow on a blank page? Yes, colouring, that cherished childhood pastime, has made a grand comeback, and not just for the little ones. Adults everywhere are rediscovering the magic of colouring books, and it’s not hard to see why. They’re not only a creative outlet but also a little oasis of calm and mindfulness in our busy lives.

But here’s a thought – what if colouring could be more than just an occasional retreat? What if we could sprinkle a little bit of that colour and calm into every day? Imagine making colouring a part of your daily routine, a mini-vacation for your brain amidst schedules and deadlines. It’s not about adding another item to your already long to-do list, but enriching your day with moments of peace, creativity, and joy.

How do I Make Colouring Part of my Daily Routine?

In this article, we’re diving into how to do just that. From crafting bite-sized colouring sessions to turning a corner of your home into a tranquil colouring nook, we’ve got a bunch of practical tips to help you weave colouring into the fabric of your daily life. Plus, we’ll explore some mindfulness exercises to supercharge your colouring time, making it not only a creative journey but also a mindful escape.

So, whether you’re looking for a stress buster, a creative muse, or a new way to zen out, you’re in the right place. Grab your favorite colouring book and those neglected pencils, and let’s turn this into a colorful adventure. Ready to add a splash of color to your daily routine? Let’s dive in!

The Value of Colouring in Daily Life

Ever wondered why sitting down with a set of coloured pencils and a colouring book feels so darn good? It turns out, this simple activity packs a punch when it comes to boosting our mental and emotional well-being. And in a world where screen time often eclipses everything else, colouring emerges as a hero in its own right. Let’s explore why.

Mental Health Maven

colouring isn’t just about staying within the lines; it’s a form of expression that speaks directly to our brains. Engaging in colouring can be a form of mindfulness practice, helping to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment. This can lead to a decrease in stress and anxiety levels, making it a powerful ally in our mental health toolkit. It’s like giving your brain a little spa day, without the hefty price tag.

Emotional Equilibrium

There’s something incredibly soothing about choosing colors and filling in patterns. This process can serve as an emotional outlet, allowing feelings to flow through crayon and paper, transforming intangible emotions into a vibrant display of color. It can uplift spirits, boost mood, and provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Social Butterfly Effect

Believe it or not, colouring can also have social benefits. Joining a colouring group or sharing your artwork online can connect you with like-minded souls. It’s a wonderful way to share tips, inspiration, and maybe a few laughs. These social connections, even if they’re based around a shared love of colouring, can enhance feelings of belonging and community. So, colouring can indeed help you make friends and keep the blues at bay.

Digital Detox

In a world where our eyes are almost glued to screens, colouring provides a much-needed break. It encourages us to look away from digital devices and engage in a tactile, hands-on activity. This not only gives our eyes a rest from screens but also helps us reconnect with the physical world. Think of it as a digital detox, where every stroke of the pencil is a step back to basics, to something real and tangible.

colouring, with its plethora of benefits, is more than just an activity; it’s a pathway to a more balanced, connected, and joyful life. It’s an invitation to slow down, savor the moment, and sprinkle a little more color into our daily existence. So, why not let colouring be your daily dose of calm, creativity, and connection?

Setting Goals and Expectations

Alright, let’s get real for a second. Diving into the world of colouring with the zeal of a kindergartener on the first day of school is fantastic, but to make this a sustainable part of your life, a dash of planning and goal-setting can go a long way. Let’s talk about how to set achievable goals for your colouring journey and the importance of colouring with intention.

Crafting Achievable Goals

Think of your colouring practice as a garden. Just like plants need time to grow, your habit will too. Start with small, manageable goals. Maybe it’s colouring for 15 minutes every day or completing one page per week. Whatever it is, make sure it fits comfortably into your schedule. This isn’t about adding pressure; it’s about creating a little oasis of peace in your day.

Remember, this is a no-judgment zone. Missed a day? No big deal. The great thing about colouring is that your pencils will be right where you left them, ready when you are.

Colouring with Intention

Every time you sit down to color, you have an opportunity to set an intention for that session. Maybe today, it’s about relaxation, letting the day’s stresses melt away as you focus on the rhythm of your colouring. Or perhaps it’s about sparking creativity, experimenting with bold color combinations that you’ve never tried before.

Setting an intention acts like a compass, guiding your colouring session towards what you need most at that moment. It turns colouring from a mere activity into a purposeful practice, enriching the experience and amplifying the benefits.

The Balancing Act

Setting goals and intentions for your colouring isn’t about rigid schedules or high expectations; it’s quite the opposite. It’s about finding balance, allowing for flexibility, and most importantly, enjoying the journey. Some days, your colouring might be about finding calm in a chaotic world. On others, it might be about expressing creativity or simply having fun.

So, as you pick up those pencils and embark on your colouring adventure, remember to set those gentle, flexible goals and intentions. They’re your secret ingredients to making colouring a cherished and fulfilling part of your daily life. Happy colouring!

Creating a colouring Routine

Finding those moments in your day for colouring doesn’t require a magic spell—just a little creativity and routine-shuffling. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, there’s a perfect colouring moment waiting for you. Here are some strategies to weave colouring into the fabric of your daily life and tips to keep the habit strong and vibrant.

Morning Zen

For those who love the quiet of the morning, why not start your day with a splash of color? Before the day’s demands crowd in, take a few minutes to color. It can be a peaceful way to wake up your mind and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. Just keep a colouring book and some pencils on your breakfast table or by your favorite morning nook.

Lunch Break Lines

Even a quick colouring session during your lunch break can be a great way to divide your day, giving you a mental refresh. It’s like a mini-vacation in the middle of your day. Plus, it might just spark some creative ideas for the afternoon’s tasks.

Evening Wind-down

Colouring can be a soothing transition from the hustle and bustle of your day to the calm of the evening. Instead of binging on TV shows or scrolling through social media, try spending some time colouring. It’s a relaxing activity that can help signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep.

Making It a Habit

Consistency is key when it comes to building a new habit. Here are a few tips to keep you on track:

  • Set Reminders: Use your phone or a habit-tracking app to remind you of your colouring time. It’s easy to forget when we’re wrapped up in our daily tasks, so a gentle nudge can be really helpful.
  • Keep Your colouring Gear Accessible: Out of sight, often out of mind. Keep your colouring books and materials where you can see them. This not only reminds you to color but makes it easy to pick up whenever you have a moment.
  • Track Your Progress: There’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing your progress. Use an app or a simple calendar to mark the days you’ve colored. Watching your streak grow can be a great motivator!

Flexibility Is Your Friend

Remember, the goal is to add joy and relaxation to your day, not stress. So, if a busy day means missing your colouring time, don’t sweat it. The great thing about colouring is that it’s always there when you need it.

By integrating colouring into different parts of your day and establishing a routine, you’ll soon find that this creative practice isn’t just a fleeting hobby but a cherished part of your daily rhythm. And who knows? Those daily doodles might just turn into a masterpiece.

Mindfulness Exercises While colouring

colouring isn’t just about filling in those intricate patterns or making sure you don’t go outside the lines (unless you want to, of course). It’s a perfect opportunity to practice mindfulness, to truly connect with the moment, and to enrich your colouring experience with a deeper sense of calm and awareness. Here are some mindfulness exercises and prompts you can try before or during your colouring sessions to elevate this peaceful pastime into a mindful retreat.

Before You Begin: Setting the Stage for Mindfulness

  • Deep Breathing: Start by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Inhale slowly through your nose, letting your chest and belly expand, then exhale gently through your mouth. Repeat this several times, focusing solely on your breath. This helps to clear your mind and prepare you for a mindful colouring session.
  • Mindful Observation: Hold your colouring book and materials in your hands for a moment. Observe their weight, texture, and the sound of the pages turning. Appreciating these small details can help you become more present and grounded.

During colouring: Mindfulness in Action

  • Focus on the Sensations: As you color, pay close attention to the sensation of the pencil or crayon in your hand. Notice the way the color appears on the paper, the sound it makes, and the movement of your hand. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to these sensations.
  • Mindful Breathing with Each Stroke: Try syncing your breath with your colouring strokes. Inhale as you draw a line, and exhale as you finish it. This not only helps in keeping you focused but also turns your colouring session into a rhythmic, meditative practice.

Mindfulness Prompts to Reflect On While colouring

  • Gratitude: As you color, think about the things you’re grateful for. It could be something as simple as the sunshine through your window or the cup of tea by your side. Reflecting on gratitude while colouring can amplify positive emotions.
  • Current Emotions: Use your colouring session as a time to acknowledge your current emotions. Are you feeling stressed, joyful, or maybe a bit reflective? Allow these emotions to guide your choice of colors and patterns. It’s a way of expressing your inner world on the paper, making your artwork uniquely yours.

Concluding Your Session with Mindfulness

  • Mindful Appreciation: Once you’re done colouring, take a moment to step back and appreciate your work. Notice the colors, the patterns you’ve created, and reflect on the experience of making them. This practice of appreciation can extend the mindfulness experience beyond colouring.

By integrating these mindfulness exercises and prompts into your colouring sessions, you transform this creative activity into a powerful practice for mental clarity, emotional balance, and present-moment awareness. colouring becomes not just an art form, but a form of meditation, a space where the mind can rest and rejuvenate amidst the swirl of daily life.

Designing a Conducive colouring Environment

Creating a dedicated space for colouring can transform it from a simple activity to a deeply satisfying ritual. The right environment not only makes colouring more enjoyable but can also enhance your focus and creativity. Here’s how you can design a calming and inspiring space that beckons you to break out those colouring books and pencils.

Choose Your Sanctuary

  • Lighting Is Key: Natural light is your best friend when it comes to colouring. It’s easy on the eyes and brings out the true vibrancy of your colors. Try to set up your colouring spot near a window. If natural light is limited, choose warm, soft artificial lighting to create a cozy atmosphere.
  • Comfortable Seating: Comfort is crucial for those longer colouring sessions. Choose a chair that supports your back and allows your feet to rest flat on the floor. If you prefer colouring on a couch, add some cushions for extra support. A comfortable seating arrangement encourages longer, more enjoyable colouring sessions without the distraction of discomfort.

Minimize Distractions

  • Create a Tech-Free Zone: To truly immerse yourself in the colouring experience, try to keep digital distractions to a minimum. Turn off notifications on your phone or consider placing it in another room. The aim is to create a space where you can disconnect from the digital world and connect with your creativity.
  • Set the Mood with Sound: While minimizing digital distractions, sound can still enhance your colouring environment. Soft background music, nature sounds, or even the quiet hum of a white noise machine can help drown out distracting noises and set a calming mood.

Organize Your colouring Materials

  • Accessibility and Display: Keep your colouring materials organized and within easy reach. Use jars, cups, or even a rolling cart to sort your pencils and markers by color. Not only does this make choosing your next color easier, but seeing your materials displayed beautifully can also be incredibly motivating.
  • Inspiration at Hand: Surround your colouring area with items that inspire you. It could be a board with your favorite quotes, prints of artwork you admire, or even a plant or two. These touches not only personalize your space but also spark creativity as you color.

Making It Personal

  • Your Space, Your Rules: The most important aspect of designing your colouring environment is that it reflects what makes you feel most comfortable and inspired. Whether it’s adding a scented candle, a cozy blanket, or photos of loved ones, personalize your space to make it truly yours.

By crafting a space dedicated to your colouring practice, you’re not just setting up a physical location. You’re creating a haven that nurtures your creativity, focus, and peace of mind. It becomes a special spot in your home where you can retreat, recharge, and let your imagination roam free with every splash of color.

Selecting colouring Materials

Choosing the right colouring materials is like selecting the perfect ingredients for a delicious recipe—it can make all the difference in your colouring experience and whether you’re a seasoned colorist or just starting out, exploring different materials can bring a whole new depth to your artwork. Here’s how to select colouring books and materials that resonate with your personal style and goals, along with the joys of experimenting with various mediums.

Finding Your Perfect colouring Book

  • Align with Your Interests: The market is flooded with colouring books of all themes—nature, mandalas, fantasy, animals, and more. Start by choosing themes that interest you. If you have a love for gardens, a floral-themed colouring book could be incredibly satisfying. For those seeking a zen experience, mandalas can offer intricate patterns that captivate and calm the mind.
  • Consider the Complexity: Pay attention to the complexity of the designs. Beginners might enjoy simpler, larger patterns that offer a sense of accomplishment quickly. More detailed books provide a challenge for those looking to spend more time and focus on their colouring.
  • Paper Quality Matters: The paper quality can greatly affect your colouring experience. If you’re planning to use markers or watercolors, look for thicker, heavier paper to prevent bleeding and allow for blending.

Exploring Different colouring Mediums

  • Colored Pencils: A popular choice for their precision and range of colors. They’re great for blending and shading, allowing for a wide range of artistic effects. Pencils can be forgiving, making them a great choice for beginners and pros alike.
  • Markers: Markers provide vibrant, even color and can make your designs pop. They’re perfect for those who love bold, dynamic artwork. Just be sure your colouring book has thick pages or place an extra sheet behind your work to prevent bleed-through.
  • Watercolors: For a truly serene colouring experience, watercolors offer a unique, fluid look that can’t be achieved with other mediums. They’re ideal for adding gradients and subtle color changes. Just ensure your colouring book has watercolor-friendly pages.
  • Gel Pens and Fineliners: Perfect for adding details or working on intricate designs. They come in a variety of colors, including metallic and glitter options, adding a fun, sparkly twist to your colouring.

Mix and Match for Creativity Don’t be afraid to mix mediums within the same piece. Use pencils for shading and detailing, markers for bold color fills, and gel pens for highlights. Experimenting with different combinations can lead to surprising and delightful results.

Tips for Choosing Materials

  • Start Small: You don’t need a massive collection to begin. Start with a basic set of quality pencils or markers, and as you discover what you enjoy, you can expand your collection.
  • Test Your Tools: Before diving into your colouring book, test your materials on a separate piece of similar paper as his helps you understand how they behave—how blendable they are, how saturated the colors appear, and so on.

Selecting your colouring materials is a personal journey, one that should be guided by your interests, the experience you’re looking to create, and a spirit of exploration. Remember, there’s no right or wrong choice here—just what makes you happiest and most fulfilled as you color your world.

Making colouring a Social Activity

While colouring is often seen as a solitary retreat but it also holds the wonderful potential to connect us with others. Transforming colouring into a social activity not only multiplies the joy it brings but also fosters community, shared creativity, and even a little friendly inspiration, and here’s how you can bring colouring off the page and into your social circles, whether they’re right beside you or across the digital landscape.

colouring with Family

  • Family colouring Nights: Dedicate an evening each week for a family colouring session. Spread out your colouring books and materials on the living room floor or dining table, and dive in together. It’s a great way to spend quality time, share laughs, and learn from each other’s creativity.
  • Color and Chat Sessions: Combine colouring with storytelling. As you color, take turns sharing stories or talking about your day as it’s a relaxed way to encourage communication, especially with kids, and make memories over a shared activity.

Gathering Friends for colouring

  • colouring Parties: Host a colouring-themed get-together. Ask everyone to bring their favorite colouring book and a set of materials, or provide some communal options. Add some snacks, background music, and let the creative energy flow. It’s a great way to introduce friends to colouring, exchange tips, and show off your artistic flair.
  • Outdoor colouring Sessions: Take advantage of nice weather by organizing a colouring meetup in the park. Fresh air, nature, and good company can make colouring even more enjoyable. Just pack a picnic blanket, some clipboards for easy colouring, and enjoy.

Connecting Through Online Communities

  • Join colouring Groups: There are numerous online communities and forums dedicated to colouring enthusiasts. These platforms are fantastic for sharing your artwork, getting feedback, engaging in challenges, and meeting people who share your passion for colouring.
  • Virtual colouring Hangouts: If your friends or family aren’t nearby, organize a virtual colouring session over video chat. It’s a great way to stay connected and share a calming activity, even if you’re miles apart. You can even color the same page and compare your interpretations.

Participate in colouring Challenges

  • Engage in Online Challenges: Many colouring communities host challenges or themed colouring sessions. These can range from colouring a specific page to exploring a particular theme or technique. Participating in these challenges not only pushes your creative boundaries but also integrates you more deeply into the colouring community.

Making colouring a social activity adds a whole new layer of enjoyment and connection to this already joyful pastime. It’s about sharing the love of color, patterns, and creativity, creating bonds over shared experiences, and discovering the communal joy that comes from a hobby cherished by so many. So, gather your friends, family, or online pals, and let the colouring collaboration begin!

Overcoming Common Challenges

Embarking on a colouring journey can be as exhilarating as it is therapeutic. However, like any worthwhile endeavor, it comes with its own set of challenges. Whether it’s carving out time, finding the motivation, or overcoming a creative block, here are some strategies to help you navigate these hurdles and keep your colouring adventure vibrant and fulfilling.

Lack of Time

  • Micro-Sessions: Who said you need hours for colouring? Sometimes, just a few minutes can make a difference. Try to find small pockets of time throughout your day—during your coffee break, right before bed, or while waiting for dinner to cook. These micro-sessions can add up and keep your project moving forward.
  • Schedule It: If colouring is important to you, treat it like any other important activity. Block off time in your schedule, even if it’s just 15-20 minutes. Making it a scheduled part of your day can help ensure it doesn’t get overlooked.

Lack of Motivation

  • Set Small, Achievable Goals: Completing a whole page might seem daunting, but colouring just one flower or one character is doable, right? Setting small, achievable goals can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep going.
  • Join a Community: Sometimes, all the motivation you need can come from being part of a colouring community. Sharing your progress, seeing others’ work, and participating in challenges can reignite your passion for colouring.

Creative Block

  • Change It Up: Stuck on a page or not feeling inspired by your current book? Switching to a different colouring book or trying a new medium can help spark your creativity. Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery, even on paper.
  • Inspiration Hunt: Look for inspiration outside your colouring books. Nature, art galleries, online platforms like Pinterest, or even the colors and patterns in your surroundings can offer fresh ideas and perspectives. Try to replicate a color scheme you love or a pattern that catches your eye.

Fear of Making Mistakes

  • Embrace Imperfections: Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to color. Mistakes and imperfections can add character and uniqueness to your work. If you’re really worried, practicing on a separate piece of paper can help you gain confidence.
  • Use Erasable Mediums: If the fear of making a mistake is holding you back, consider using erasable colored pencils or watercolor pencils. They offer a bit more flexibility and can alleviate the pressure of having to get it right on the first try.

Keeping Materials Organized

  • Simple Storage Solutions: A cluttered space can be overwhelming and sap your motivation. Invest in simple storage solutions—pencil cases, storage boxes, or even DIY holders—to keep your colouring materials organized and accessible. A tidy space can help clear your mind and make the act of starting much easier.

Finding Variety

  • Explore New Themes and Techniques: If you’re bored with your current colouring books, explore new themes or techniques. From watercolor colouring books to those with hidden puzzles and stories, there’s a wide range out there waiting to be discovered.

Overcoming these common challenges in colouring requires a blend of practical solutions and a shift in mindset. By addressing these obstacles head-on, you can ensure that your colouring journey remains a source of joy, relaxation, and creative expression, no matter what hurdles come your way.


As we’ve journeyed through the vibrant world of colouring, it’s clear that this simple activity is much more than meets the eye. Integrating colouring into your daily life can be a powerful way to enhance mindfulness, creativity, and emotional well-being. It offers a unique blend of relaxation and expression, serving as a quiet sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The benefits of making colouring a part of your routine are as varied as the colors you can choose from. It’s a practice that can calm the mind, spark creativity, and even bring people together. Whether you’re looking for a digital detox, a mindfulness practice, or a creative outlet, colouring opens the door to a world of possibilities.

If you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your colouring practice, remember, the key is to start small and be consistent. Even a few minutes of colouring can make a difference in your day. Set achievable goals, explore different materials and themes, and most importantly, enjoy the process. There’s no right or wrong way to color; it’s all about what brings you joy and peace.

We invite you to share your colouring journey with others. Whether it’s through social media, colouring communities, or simply with friends and family, sharing your experience can inspire others and create connections built around creativity and relaxation. Plus, you might pick up some great tips along the way!

So, grab those colouring books and pencils, and give yourself permission to explore, relax, and create. Let the simple act of colouring remind you of the joy in the moment, the beauty in the world, and the creativity within you. We can’t wait to see where your colouring adventure takes you.

Additional Resources

Colouring books we have created.

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